Package 'briKmeans'

Title: Package for Brik, Fabrik and Fdebrik Algorithms to Initialise Kmeans
Description: Implementation of the BRIk, FABRIk and FDEBRIk algorithms to initialise k-means. These methods are intended for the clustering of multivariate and functional data, respectively. They make use of the Modified Band Depth and bootstrap to identify appropriate initial seeds for k-means, which are proven to be better options than many techniques in the literature. Torrente and Romo (2021) <doi:10.1007/s00357-020-09372-3> It makes use of the functions kma and kma.similarity, from the archived package fdakma, by Alice Parodi et al.
Authors: Javier Albert Smet <[email protected]> and Aurora Torrente <[email protected]>. Alice Parodi, Mirco Patriarca, Laura Sangalli, Piercesare Secchi, Simone Vantini and Valeria Vitelli, as contributors.
Maintainer: Aurora Torrente <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 1.0
Built: 2025-02-12 05:25:56 UTC

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Computation of Initial Seeds and Kmeans Results


brik computes appropriate seeds –based on bootstrap and the MBD depth– to initialise k-means, which is then run.


brik(x, k, method="Ward", nstart=1, B=10, J = 2, ...)



a data matrix containing N observations (individuals) by rows and d variables (features) by columns


number of clusters


clustering algorithm used to cluster the cluster centres from the bootstrapped replicates; Ward, by default. Currently, only pam and randomly initialised kmeans are implemented


number of random initialisations when using the kmeans method to cluster the cluster centres


number of bootstrap replicates to be generated


number of observations used to build the bands for the MBD computation. Currently, only the value J=2 can be used


additional arguments to be passed to the kmeans function for the final clustering; at this stage nstart is set to 1, as the initial seeds are fixed


The brik algorithm is a simple, computationally feasible method, which provides k-means with a set of initial seeds to cluster datasets of arbitrary dimensions. It consists of two stages: first, a set of cluster centers is obtained by applying k-means to bootstrap replications of the original data to be, next, clustered; the deepest point in each assembled cluster is returned as initial seeds for k-means.



a matrix of size k x d containing the initial seeds obtained with the BRIk algorithm


an object of class kmeans corresponding to the run of kmeans on x with starting points seeds


Javier Albert Smet [email protected] and Aurora Torrente [email protected]


Torrente, A. and Romo, J. (2020). Initializing k-means Clustering by Bootstrap and Data Depth. J Classif (2020).


## brik algorithm 
    ## simulated data
    g1 <- matrix(rnorm(200,0,3), 25, 8) ; g1[,1]<-g1[,1]+4;
    g2 <- matrix(rnorm(200,0,3), 25, 8) ; g2[,1]<-g2[,1]+4; g2[,3]<-g2[,3]-4
    g3 <- matrix(rnorm(200,0,3), 25, 8) ; g3[,1]<-g3[,1]+4; g3[,3]<-g3[,3]+4

    x <- rbind(g1,g2,g3)
    labels <-c(rep(1,25),rep(2,25),rep(3,25))

    C1 <- kmeans(x,3)
    C2 <- brik(x,3,B=25)
    table(C1$cluster, labels)
    table(C2$km$cluster, labels)

Selection of Appropriate DF Parameter Based on an Elbow Rule for the Distortion


elbowRule runs the FABRIk algorithm for different degrees of freedom (DF) and suggests the best of such values as the one where the minimum distortion is obtained. An optional visualization of the computed values allows the choice of alternative suitable DF values based on an elbow-like rule.


elbowRule(x, k, method="Ward", nstart=1, B = 10, J = 2, x.coord = NULL, OSF = 1, 
    vect = NULL, intercept = TRUE, degPolyn = 3, degFr = 4:20, knots = NULL, 
    plot = FALSE, ...)



a data matrix containing N observations (individuals) by rows and d variables (features) by columns


number of clusters


clustering algorithm used to cluster the cluster centres from the bootstrapped replicates; Ward, by default. Currently, only pam and randomly initialised kmeans are implemented


number of random initialisations when using the kmeans method to cluster the cluster centres


number of bootstrap replicates to be generated


number of observations used to build the bands for the MBD computation. Currently, only the value J=2 can be used


initial x coordinates (time points) where the functional data is observed; if not provided, it is assumed to be 1:d


oversampling factor for the smoothed data; an OSF of m means that the number of (equally spaced) time points observed in the approximated function is m times the number of original number of features, d


optional collection of x coordinates (time points) where to assess the smoothed data; if provided, it ignores the OSF


if TRUE, an intercept is included in the basis; default is FALSE


degree of the piecewise polynomial; 3 by default (cubic splines)


a vector containing tentative values of the degrees of freedom, to be tested


the internal breakpoints that define the spline


a Boolean parameter; it allows plotting the distortion against the degrees of freedom. Set to FALSE by default


additional arguments to be passed to the kmeans function for the final clustering; at this stage nstart is set to 1, as the initial seeds are fixed


The function implements a simple elbow-like rule that allows selecting an appropriate value for the DF parameter among the tested ones. It computes the distortion obtained for each of these values and returns the one yielding to the smallest distortion. By setting the parameter plot to TRUE the distortion is plotted against the degrees of freedom and elbows or minima can be visually detected.



the original vector of DF values to be tested


a vector containing the distortion obtained for each tested DF value


DF value producing the smallest distortion among the tested df


Javier Albert Smet [email protected] and Aurora Torrente [email protected]


Torrente, A. and Romo, J. (2020). Initializing Kmeans Clustering by Bootstrap and Data Depth. J Classif (2020). Albert-Smet, J., Torrente, A. and Romo J. (2021). Modified Band Depth Based Initialization of Kmeans for Functional Data Clustering. Submitted to Computational Statistics and Data Analysis.


## simulated data
    x.coord = seq(0,1,0.01)
    x <- matrix(ncol = length(x.coord), nrow = 80)
    labels <- matrix(ncol = 100, nrow = 1)
    centers <-  matrix(ncol = length(x.coord), nrow = 4)
    centers[1, ] <- abs(x.coord)-0.5
    centers[2, ] <- (abs(x.coord-0.5))^2 - 0.8
    centers[3, ] <- -(abs(x.coord-0.5))^2 + 0.7
    centers[4, ] <- 0.75*sin(8*pi*abs(x.coord))
    for(i in 1:4){
        for(j in 1:20){
            labels[20*(i-1) + j] <- i  
            if(i == 1){x[20*(i-1) + j, ] <- abs(x.coord)-0.5 + 
            if(i == 2){x[20*(i-1) + j, ] <- (abs(x.coord-0.5))^2 - 0.8 + 
            if(i == 3){x[20*(i-1) + j, ] <- -(abs(x.coord-0.5))^2 + 0.7 + 
            if(i == 4){x[20*(i-1) + j, ] <- 0.75*sin(8*pi*abs(x.coord)) + 

    # ER <- elbowRule(x, 4, B=25, degFr = 5:12, plot=FALSE)
    ER <- elbowRule(x, 4, B=25, degFr = 5:12, plot=TRUE)

Computation of Initial Seeds for Kmeans and Clustering of Functional Data


fabrik fits splines to the multivariate dataset and runs the BRIk algorithm on the smoothed data. For functional data, this is just a straight forward application of BRIk to the k-means algorithm; for multivariate data, the result corresponds to an alternative clustering method where the objective function is not necessarily minimised, but better allocations are obtained in general.


fabrik(x, k, method="Ward", nstart=1, B = 10, J = 2, x.coord = NULL, OSF = 1, 
    vect = NULL, intercept = TRUE, degPolyn = 3, degFr = 5, knots = NULL, ...)



a data matrix containing N observations (individuals) by rows and d variables (features) by columns


number of clusters


clustering algorithm used to cluster the cluster centres from the bootstrapped replicates; Ward, by default. Currently, only pam and randomly initialised kmeans are implemented


number of random initialisations when using the kmeans method to cluster the cluster centres


number of bootstrap replicates to be generated


number of observations used to build the bands for the MBD computation. Currently, only the value J=2 can be used


initial x coordinates (time points) where the functional data is observed; if not provided, it is assumed to be 1:d


oversampling factor for the smoothed data; an OSF of m means that the number of (equally spaced) time points observed in the approximated function is m times the number of original number of features, d


optional collection of x coordinates (time points) where to assess the smoothed data; if provided, it ignores the OSF


if TRUE, an intercept is included in the basis; default is FALSE


degree of the piecewise polynomial; 3 by default (cubic splines)


degrees of freedom, as in the bs function


the internal breakpoints that define the spline


additional arguments to be passed to the kmeans function for the final clustering; at this stage nstart is set to 1, as the initial seeds are fixed


The FABRIk algorithm extends the BRIk algorithm to the case of longitudinal functional data by adding a step that includes B-splines fitting and evaluation of the curve at specific x coordinates. Thus, it allows handling issues such as noisy or missing data. It identifies smoothed initial seeds that are used as starting points of kmeans on the smoothed data. The resulting clustering does not optimise the distortion (sum of squared distances of each data point to its nearest centre) in the original data space but it provides in general a better allocation of datapoints to real groups.



a matrix of size k x D, where D is either m x d or the length of vect . It contains the initial smoothed seeds obtained with the BRIk algorithm


an object of class kmeans corresponding to the run of kmeans on the smoothed data, with starting points seeds


Javier Albert Smet [email protected] and Aurora Torrente [email protected]


Torrente, A. and Romo, J. (2020). Initializing Kmeans Clustering by Bootstrap and Data Depth. J Classif (2020). Albert-Smet, J., Torrente, A. and Romo J. (2021). Modified Band Depth Based Initialization of Kmeans for Functional Data Clustering. Submitted to Computational Statistics and Data Analysis.


## fabrik algorithm 
    ## simulated data
    x.coord = seq(0,1,0.01)
    x <- matrix(ncol = length(x.coord), nrow = 100)
    labels <- matrix(ncol = 100, nrow = 1)
    centers <-  matrix(ncol = length(x.coord), nrow = 4)
    centers[1, ] <- abs(x.coord)-0.5
    centers[2, ] <- (abs(x.coord-0.5))^2 - 0.8
    centers[3, ] <- -(abs(x.coord-0.5))^2 + 0.7
    centers[4, ] <- 0.75*sin(8*pi*abs(x.coord))
    for(i in 1:4){
        for(j in 1:25){
            labels[25*(i-1) + j] <- i  
            if(i == 1){x[25*(i-1) + j, ] <- abs(x.coord)-0.5 + 
            if(i == 2){x[25*(i-1) + j, ] <- (abs(x.coord-0.5))^2 - 0.8 + 
            if(i == 3){x[25*(i-1) + j, ] <- -(abs(x.coord-0.5))^2 + 0.7 + 
            if(i == 4){x[25*(i-1) + j, ] <- 0.75*sin(8*pi*abs(x.coord)) + 

    C1 <- kmeans(x,4)
    C2 <- fabrik(x,4,B=25)
    table(C1$cluster, labels)
    table(C2$km$cluster, labels)

Computation of Initial Seeds for Kmeans with a Functional Extension of Brik


fdebrik first fits splines to the multivariate dataset; then it identifies functional centers that form tighter groups, by means of the kma algorithm; finally, it converts these into a multivariate data set in a selected dimension, clusters them and finds the deepest point of each cluster to be used as initial seeds. The multivariate objective function is not necessarily minimised, but better allocations are obtained in general.


fdebrik(x, k, method="Ward", nstart=1, B = 10, J = 2, x.coord = NULL,
    functionalDist="d0.pearson", OSF = 1, vect = NULL, intercept = TRUE, 
    degPolyn = 3, degFr = 5, knots = NULL, ...)



a data matrix containing N observations (individuals) by rows and d variables (features) by columns


number of clusters


clustering algorithm used to cluster the cluster centres from the bootstrapped replicates; Ward, by default. Currently, only pam and randomly initialised kmeans with nstart initializations are implemented


number of random initialisations when using the kmeans method to cluster the cluster centres


number of bootstrap replicates to be generated


number of observations used to build the bands for the MBD computation. Currently, only the value J=2 can be used


initial x coordinates (time points) where the functional data is observed; if not provided, it is assumed to be 1:d


similarity measure between functions to be used. Currently, only the cosine of the angles between functions ("d0.pearson") and between their derivatives ("d1.pearson") can be used


oversampling factor for the smoothed data; an OSF of m means that the number of (equally spaced) time points observed in the approximated function is m times the number of original number of features, d


optional collection of x coordinates (time points) where to assess the smoothed data; if provided, it ignores the OSF


if TRUE, an intercept is included in the basis; default is FALSE


degree of the piecewise polynomial; 3 by default (cubic splines)


degrees of freedom, as in the bs function


the internal breakpoints that define the spline


additional arguments to be passed to the kmeans function for the final clustering; at this stage nstart is set to 1, as the initial seeds are fixed


The FDEBRIk algorithm extends the BRIk algorithm to the case of longitudinal functional data by adding a B-spline fitting step, a collection of functional centers by means of the kma algorithm and the evaluation of these at specific x coordinates. Thus, it allows handling issues such as noisy or missing data. It identifies smoothed initial seeds that are used as starting points of kmeans on the smoothed data. The resulting clustering does not optimise the distortion (sum of squared distances of each data point to its nearest centre) in the original data space but it provides in general a better allocation of datapoints to real groups.



a matrix of size k x D, where D is either m x d or the length of vect . It contains the initial smoothed seeds obtained with the FDEBRIk algorithm


an object of class kmeans corresponding to the run of kmeans on the smoothed data, with starting points seeds


Javier Albert Smet [email protected] and Aurora Torrente [email protected]


Torrente, A. and Romo, J. Initializing Kmeans Clustering by Bootstrap and Data Depth. J Classif (2021) 38(2):232-256. DOI: 10.1007/s00357-020-09372-3 Albert-Smet, J., Torrente, A. and Romo, J. Modified Band Depth Based Initialization of Kmeans for Functional Data Clustering. Submitted to Adv. Data Anal. Classif. (2022). Sangalli, L.M., Secchi, P., Vantini, V.S. and Vitelli, V. K-mean alignment for curve clustering. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. (2010) 54(5):1219-1233. DOI:10.1016/j.csda.2009.12.008


## fdebrik algorithm 
    ## Not run: 
    ## simulated data
    x.coord = seq(0,1,0.05)
    x <- matrix(ncol = length(x.coord), nrow = 40)
    labels <- matrix(ncol = 100, nrow = 1)
    centers <-  matrix(ncol = length(x.coord), nrow = 4)
    centers[1, ] <- abs(x.coord)-0.5
    centers[2, ] <- (abs(x.coord-0.5))^2 - 0.8
    centers[3, ] <- -(abs(x.coord-0.5))^2 + 0.7
    centers[4, ] <- 0.75*sin(8*pi*abs(x.coord))
    for(i in 1:4){
        for(j in 1:10){
            labels[10*(i-1) + j] <- i  
            if(i == 1){x[10*(i-1) + j, ] <- abs(x.coord)-0.5 + 
            if(i == 2){x[10*(i-1) + j, ] <- (abs(x.coord-0.5))^2 - 0.8 + 
            if(i == 3){x[10*(i-1) + j, ] <- -(abs(x.coord-0.5))^2 + 0.7 + 
            if(i == 4){x[10*(i-1) + j, ] <- 0.75*sin(8*pi*abs(x.coord)) + 

    C1 <- kmeans(x,4)
    C2 <- fdebrik(x,4,B=5)
    table(C1$cluster, labels)
    table(C2$km$cluster, labels)
## End(Not run)

Clustering and alignment of functional data


kma jointly performs clustering and alignment of a functional dataset (multidimensional or unidimensional functions).


kma(x, y0 = NULL, y1 = NULL, n.clust = 1, warping.method = "affine",
similarity.method = "d1.pearson", center.method = "k-means", seeds = NULL,
optim.method = "L-BFGS-B", span = 0.15, t.max = 0.1, m.max = 0.1, n.out = NULL,
tol = 0.01, fence = TRUE, iter.max = 100, show.iter = 0, nstart=2, return.all=FALSE,



matrix n.func X grid.size or vector grid.size: the abscissa values where each function is evaluated. n.func: number of functions in the dataset. grid.size: maximal number of abscissa values where each function is evaluated. The abscissa points may be unevenly spaced and they may differ from function to function. x can also be a vector of length grid.size. In this case, x will be used as abscissa grid for all functions.


matrix n.func X grid.size or array n.func X grid.size X d: evaluations of the set of original functions on the abscissa grid x. n.func: number of functions in the dataset. grid.size: maximal number of abscissa values where each function is evaluated. d: (only if the sample is multidimensional) number of function components, i.e. each function is a d-dimensional curve. Default value of y0 is NULL. The parameter y0 must be provided if the chosen similarity.method concerns original functions.


matrix n.func X grid.size or array n.func X grid.size X d: evaluations of the set of original functions first derivatives on the abscissa grid x. Default value of y1 is NULL. The parameter y1 must be provided if the chosen similarity.method concerns original function first derivatives.


scalar: required number of clusters. Default value is 1. Note that if n.clust=1 kma performs only alignment without clustering.


character: type of alignment required. If warping.method='NOalignment' kma performs only k-mean clustering (without alignment). If warping.method='affine' kma performs alignment (and possibly clustering) of functions using linear affine transformation as warping functions, i.e., = dilation*x + shift. If warping.method='shift' kma allows only shift, i.e., = x + shift. If warping.method='dilation' kma allows only dilation, i.e., = dilation*x. Default value is 'affine'.


character: required similarity measure. Possible choices are: 'd0.pearson', 'd1.pearson', 'd0.L2', 'd1.L2', 'd0.L2.centered', 'd1.L2.centered'. Default value is 'd1.pearson'. See kma.similarity for details.


character: type of clustering method to be used. Possible choices are: 'k-means' and 'k-medoids'. Default value is 'k-means'.


vector max(n.clust) or matrix nstart X n.clust: indexes of the functions to be used as initial centers. If it is a matrix, each row contains the indexes of the initial centers of one of the nstart initializations. In the case where not all the values of seeds are provided, those not provided are randomly chosen among the n.func original functions. If seeds=NULL all the centers are randomly chosen. Default value of seeds is NULL



character: optimization method chosen to find the best warping functions at each iteration. Possible choices are: 'L-BFGS-B' and 'SANN'. See optim function for details. Default method is 'L-BFGS-B'.


scalar: the span to be used for the loess procedure in the center estimation step when center.method='k-means'. Default value is 0.15. If center.method='k-medoids' value of span is ignored.


scalar: t.max controls the maximal allowed shift, at each iteration, in the alignment procedure with respect to the range of curve domains. t.max must be such that 0<t.max<1 (e.g., t.max=0.1 means that shift is bounded, at each iteration, between -0.1*range(x) and +0.1*range(x)). Default value is 0.1. If warping.method='dilation' value of t.max is ignored.


scalar: m.max controls the maximal allowed dilation, at each iteration, in the alignment procedure. m.max must be such that 0<m.max<1 (e.g., m.max=0.1 means that dilation is bounded, at each iteration, between 1-0.1 and 1+0.1 ). Default value is 0.1. If warping.method='shift' value of m.max is ignored.


scalar: the desired length of the abscissa for computation of the similarity indexes and the centers. Default value is round(1.1*grid.size).


scalar: the algorithm stops when the increment of similarity of each function with respect to the corrispondent center is lower than tol. Default value is 0.01.


boolean: if fence=TRUE a control is activated at the end of each iteration. The aim of the control is to avoid shift/dilation outlighers with respect to their computed distributions. If fence=TRUE the running time can increase considerably. Default value of fence is TRUE.


scalar: maximum number of iterations in the k-mean alignment cycle. Default value is 100.


boolean: if show.iter=TRUE kma shows the current iteration of the algorithm. Default value is FALSE.


scalar: number of initializations with different seeds. Default value is 2. This parameter is used only if center.method is 'k-medoids'. When center.method = 'k-means' one initialization is performed.


boolean: if return.all=TRUE the results of all the nstart initializations are returned; the output is a list of length nstart. If return.all=FALSE only the best result is provided (the one with higher mean similarity if similarity.method is 'd0.pearson' or'd1.pearson', or the one with lower distance if similarity.method is 'd0.L2', 'd1.L2', 'd0.L2.centered' or 'd1.L2.centered'). Default value is FALSE.

boolean: if at each iteration the algorithm checks if there is a decrease of the total similarity and stops. In the affermative case the result obtained in the penultimate iteration is returned. Default value is FALSE


The function output is a list containing the following elements:


scalar: total number of iterations performed by kma function.


as input.


as input.


as input.


as input.


as input.


as input.


as input.

vector n.out: abscissa of the original center.

matrix 1 X n.out: the unique row contains the evaluations of the original function center. If warping.method='k-means' there are two scenarios: if similarity.method='d0.pearson' or 'd0.L2' or d0.L2.centered the original function center is computed via loess procedure applied to original data; if similarity.method='d1.pearson' or 'd1.L2' or d1.L2.centered it is computed by integration of first derivatives center (the integration constant is computed minimizing the sum of the weighed L2 distances between the center and the original functions). If warping.method='k-medoids' the original function center is the medoid of original functions.

matrix 1 X n.out: the unique row contains the evaluations of the original function first derivatives center. If warping.method='k-means' the original center is computed via loess procedure applied to original function first derivatives. If warping.method='k-medoids' the original center is the medoid of original functions.


vector: original similarities between the original functions and the original center.

matrix n.func X grid.size: aligned abscissas.

scalar: final number of clusters. Note that, when center.method='k.means', the parameter may differ from initial number of clusters (i.e., from n.clust) if some clusters are found to be empty. In this case a warning message is issued.

vector n.out: abscissas of the final function centers and/or of the final function first derivatives centers.

matrix X n.out: rows contain the evaluations of the final functions centers. is NULL if y0 is not given as input.

matrix X n.out: rows contains the evaluations of the final derivatives centers. is NULL if the chosen similarity measure does not concern function first derivatives.


vector: cluster assignments.

vector: similarities between each function and the center of the cluster the function is assigned to.


list: dilations obtained at each iteration of kma function.


list: shifts obtained at each iteration of kma function.


vector: dilation applied to the original abscissas x to obtain the aligned abscissas


vector: shift applied to the original abscissas x to obtain the aligned abscissas


Alice Parodi, Mirco Patriarca, Laura Sangalli, Piercesare Secchi, Simone Vantini, Valeria Vitelli.


Sangalli, L.M., Secchi, P., Vantini, S., Vitelli, V., 2010. "K-mean alignment for curve clustering". Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 54, 1219-1233.

Sangalli, L.M., Secchi, P., Vantini, S., 2014. "Analysis of AneuRisk65 data: K-mean Alignment". Electronic Journal of Statistics, Special Section on "Statistics of Time Warpings and Phase Variations", Vol. 8, No. 2, 1891-1904.

See Also



## simulated data
    x.coord = seq(0,1,0.01)
    x <- matrix(ncol = length(x.coord), nrow = 100)
    labels <- matrix(ncol = 100, nrow = 1)
    centers <-  matrix(ncol = length(x.coord), nrow = 4)
    centers[1, ] <- abs(x.coord)-0.5
    centers[2, ] <- (abs(x.coord-0.5))^2 - 0.8
    centers[3, ] <- -(abs(x.coord-0.5))^2 + 0.7
    centers[4, ] <- 0.75*sin(8*pi*abs(x.coord))
    for(i in 1:4){
        for(j in 1:25){
            labels[25*(i-1) + j] <- i  
            if(i == 1){x[25*(i-1) + j, ] <- abs(x.coord)-0.5 + 
            if(i == 2){x[25*(i-1) + j, ] <- (abs(x.coord-0.5))^2 - 0.8 + 
            if(i == 3){x[25*(i-1) + j, ] <- -(abs(x.coord-0.5))^2 + 0.7 + 
            if(i == 4){x[25*(i-1) + j, ] <- 0.75*sin(8*pi*abs(x.coord)) + 
    C <- kma(x.coord, x, n.clust = 4, 
            warping.method = "NOalignment", similarity.method = "d0.pearson")
    table(C$labels, labels)

Similarity/dissimilarity index between two functions


kma.similarity computes a similarity/dissimilarity measure between two functions ff and gg. Users can choose among different types of measures.


kma.similarity(x.f = NULL, y0.f = NULL, y1.f = NULL,
x.g = NULL, y0.g = NULL, y1.g = NULL, similarity.method, unif.grid = TRUE)



vector length.f: abscissa grid where function ff and his first derivatives ff' is evaluated. length.f: numbrt of abscissa values where ff is evaluated. x.f must always be provided.


vector length.f or matrix length.f X d: evaluations of function ff on the abscissa grid x.f. length.f: number of abscissa values where ff is evaluated. d (only if ff and gg are multidimensional) number of function's components, i.e. ff is dd-dimensional curve. Default value of y0.f is NULL. The vectory0.f must be provided if the chosen similarity.method concerns original functions.


vector length.f or matrix length.f X d: evaluations of ff first derivative, i.e., ff', on the abscissa grid x.f. Default value of y1.f is NULL. The vector y1.f must be provided if the chosen similarity.method concerns function first derivatives.


vector length.g: abscissa grid where function gg and his first derivatives gg' is evaluated. length.g: numbrt of abscissa values where gg is evaluated. x.g must always be provided.


vector length.g or matrix length.g X d: evaluations of function gg on the abscissa grid x.g. length.g: number of abscissa values where gg is evaluated. d (only if ff and gg are multidimensional) number of function's components, i.e. gg is dd-dimensional curve. Default value of y0.g is NULL. The vector y0.g must be provided if the chosen similarity.method concerns original functions.


vector length.g or matrix length.g X d: evaluations of gg first derivative, i.e., gg', on the abscissa grid x.g. Default value is of y1.g NULL. The vector y1.g must be provided if the chosen similarity.method concerns function first derivatives.


character: similarity/dissimilarity between ff and gg. Possible choices are: 'd0.pearson', 'd1.pearson', 'd0.L2', 'd1.L2', 'd0.L2.centered', 'd1.L2.centered'. Default value is 'd1.pearson'. See details.


boolean: if equal to TRUE the similarity measure is computed over an uniform grid built in the intersection domain of the two functions, that is an additional discretization is performed. If equal to FALSE the additional discretization is not performed, so the functions are supposed to be already defined on the same abscissa grid and the grid is supposed to be fine enough to well compute similarity.


We report the list of the currently available similarities/dissimilarities. Note that all norms and inner products are computed over DD, that is the intersection of the domains of ff and gg. f\overline{f} and g\overline{g} denote the mean value, respectively, of functions ff and gg.

1. 'd0.pearson': this similarity measure is the cosine of the angle between the two functions ff and gg.

<f,g>L2fL2gL2\frac{<f,g>_{L^2}}{\|{f}\|_{L^2} \|{g}\|_{L^2}}

2. 'd1.pearson': this similarity measure is the cosine of the angle between the two function derivatives ff' and gg'.

<f,g>L2fL2gL2\frac{<f',g'>_{L^2}}{\|{f'}\|_{L^2} \|{g'}\|_{L^2}}

3. 'd0.L2': this dissimilarity measure is the L2 distance of the two functions ff and gg normalized by the length of the common domain DD.


4. 'd1.L2': this dissimilarity measure is the L2 distance of the two function first derivatives ff' and gg' normalized by the length of the common domain DD.


5. 'd0.L2.centered': this dissimilarity measure is the L2 distance of fff-\overline{f} and ggg-\overline{g} normalized by the length of the common domain DD.


6. 'd1.L2.centered': this dissimilarity measure is the L2 distance of fff'-\overline{f'} and ggg'-\overline{g'} normalized by the length of the common domain DD.


For multidimensional functions, if similarity.method='d0.pearson' or 'd1.pearson' the similarity/dissimilarity measure is computed via the average of the indexes in all directions.

The coherence properties specified in Sangalli et al. (2010) implies that if similarity.method is set to 'd0.L2', 'd1.L2', 'd0.L2.centered' or 'd1.L2.centered', value of warping.method must be 'shift' or 'NOalignment'. If similarity.method is set to 'd0.pearson' or 'd1.pearson' all values for warping.method are allowed.


scalar: similarity/dissimilarity measure between the two functions ff and gg computed via the similarity/dissimilarity measure specified.


Alice Parodi, Mirco Patriarca, Laura Sangalli, Piercesare Secchi, Simone Vantini, Valeria Vitelli.


Sangalli, L.M., Secchi, P., Vantini, S., Vitelli, V., 2010. "K-mean alignment for curve clustering". Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 54, 1219-1233.

Sangalli, L.M., Secchi, P., Vantini, S., 2014. "Analysis of AneuRisk65 data: K-mean Alignment". Electronic Journal of Statistics, Special Section on "Statistics of Time Warpings and Phase Variations", Vol. 8, No. 2, 1891-1904.

See Also


Kmeans Clustering Plot


plotKmeansClustering represents, in different subpanels, each of the clusters obtained after running k-means. The corresponding centroid is highlighted.


plotKmeansClustering(x, kmeansObj, col=c(8,2), lty=c(2,1), x.coord = NULL, 
    no.ticks = 5, ...)



a data matrix containing N observations (individuals) by rows and d variables (features) by columns


an object of class kmeans, containing the cluster labels output by kmeans


a vector containing colors for the elements in x and for the centroid. The last one is used for the centroid, whereas the previous ones are recycled


a vector containing the line type for the elements in x and for the centroid. The last one is used for the centroid, whereas the previous ones are recycled


initial x coordinates (time points) where the functional data is observed; if not provided, it is assumed to be 1:d


number of ticks to be displayed in the X axis


additional arguments to be passed to the plot function


The function creates a suitable grid where to plot the different clusters independently. In the i-th cell of the grid, the data points corresponding to the i-th cluster are represented in parallel coordinates and the final centroid is highlighted.


the function returns invisibly a list with the following components:


a list containing one cluster per component; observations are given by rows


a list with the centroid of each cluster


Javier Albert Smet [email protected] and Aurora Torrente [email protected]


## simulated data
    x.coord = seq(0,1,0.01)
    x <- matrix(ncol = length(x.coord), nrow = 100)
    labels <- matrix(ncol = 100, nrow = 1)
    centers <-  matrix(ncol = length(x.coord), nrow = 4)
    centers[1, ] <- abs(x.coord)-0.5
    centers[2, ] <- (abs(x.coord-0.5))^2 - 0.8
    centers[3, ] <- -(abs(x.coord-0.5))^2 + 0.7
    centers[4, ] <- 0.75*sin(8*pi*abs(x.coord))
    for(i in 1:4){
        for(j in 1:25){
            labels[25*(i-1) + j] <- i  
            if(i == 1){x[25*(i-1) + j, ] <- abs(x.coord)-0.5 + 
            if(i == 2){x[25*(i-1) + j, ] <- (abs(x.coord-0.5))^2 - 0.8 + 
            if(i == 3){x[25*(i-1) + j, ] <- -(abs(x.coord-0.5))^2 + 0.7 + 
            if(i == 4){x[25*(i-1) + j, ] <- 0.75*sin(8*pi*abs(x.coord)) + 

    plotKmeansClustering(x, kmeans(x,4))
    plotKmeansClustering(x, brik(x,4)$km)
    plotKmeansClustering(x, fabrik(x,4)$km)
    plotKmeansClustering(x, fabrik(x,4,degFr=10)$km)